Nature and Scope of Governmental Order and Its Function in Solving New Problems in Society


 A PhD student of Razavi University of Islamic Sciences




he nature of governmental command, its scope and its function in solving new issues of society are the most important ones that have been considered in this article. It can be said about the nature of governmental command that the exigency of the arguments is that the governmental command is neither regarded as the primary commands nor the secondary one but it is a third one. Although there is apparently a serious and deep dispute about the scope of governmental command in a way that each idea negate the other (one says that jurist guardian is just an executive of the legal commandments and he has no authority outside it and one says that he can not only establishes command outside the legal framework but also if his authority is limited to the religious commands absolute guardianship of the jurisconsult will be useless), if the words of the two parties are investigated, it will be clear that there is not only no serious and deep dispute but rather it should be said that there is no dispute in reality and content but just in verbal. It can be said about the third issue that if all new issues of the society are not solve with the governmental command, undoubtedly it has a basic role in solving new problems of the society.
