Briefly Examining the Reasons of the Prohibition of Cloning in Viewpoint of Sunni Intellectuals


 A member academic board of Payame Noor University



ankind lives at age of technology and flourishing of science and industry and we see the power of man in interference and occupation of the world. Today, we find the extent of this ability in the area of genetics and biology that has persuaded many scientists throughout the world to innovations and initiations. One of these stunning innovations is the process of cloning that is the subject of this article. This is such an important issue that the present age is known as the age of genetics
Most of Sunni jurisprudents believed that human cloning is prohibited. The most important of their reasons are: 1- destroying of family identity. 2- Ambiguity in relationship of relatives. 3- Annihilating of the concept of motherhood and lacking of father in some cases. 4- Ambiguity in alimony and inheritance.
     This article attempts to consider and criticize the reasons of the prohibition of human cloning from view of Sunni intellectuals.
