Interaction of Two Sects in the Scope of Principles of Jurisprudence


 Assistant professor of Razavi University of Islamic Sciences



The history of methodology of jurisprudence shows that the first book which has been written about principles of jurisprudence in Shiite is “Al-resala Al-usuliya” or “Al-tazkerah be Usule Al-fegh” that is a valuable work of Sheikh Mofid. Of course appearance of principles of jurisprudence in Shiite is longer. In addition to the existence of some methodological discussions in the words of innocent Imams that show they can be the founders of this science, some books
of the era of Imams or the time of minor occultation or major occultation until the time of Sheikh Mofid have propounded some of the methodological issues. So, the claims of new traditionalists that there is nothing in the words of innocents Imams are basically incorrect.
     History shows that the great of jurisprudential schools of Sunnis along side with the companion of Innocents Imams were the students of Imams and they have gained the first principles from them and attempted to find the answers of the new issues of their society according to their needs. Centuries later, Shiites intellectuals because of the absence of their Imams were forced to find the answers of their society needs. So, they find the way of answering in the principles of jurisprudence that is rooted in the words of innocents Imams.
