The contract of reducing participation and criticizing the suspicions of contemporary Sunnis to this contract

Document Type : Original Article


1 Jurisprudence and principles, fourth level school, Khorasan hozhe, Mashhad

2 Assistant Professor, Razavi Institute of Islamic Sciences, Mashhad Islamic Research Foundation, Iran

3 jurisprudence، Razavi University of Islamic Sciences، Mashhad& Iran


reduction company contract, It is a corporate agreement with a stipulation that obliges the two partners to gradually buy and sell shares. Due to the lack of correct understanding of this type of company contract and not paying attention to the components of this contract. Some legal doubts have been observed about this business operation, which are: Performing multiple contracts in one contract, Doubtful of harm, Loan to loan transaction, Usury loans and using tricks to get rid of usury, Being a non-contractual company, Suspension of the contract, Similar to conditional sale, Similar to a transaction aina, Lack of durability in this company, that this research investigated and answered the stated problems, This article investigates these jurisprudential doubts and resolves them completely with the analytical descriptive method and the study of library documents And finally, he does not consider any of the doubts raised to this contract. And this contract will be valid.


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