Prophetic Government a Divine Mission or a Rational or Political Necessity?

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Jurisprudence

2 Associate prof. at Islamic Azad Univ., Mashhad

3 Assistant professor at Islamic Azad University, Mashhad


The issue of Islamic government and the right of governing and the criterion of legitimacy has been one of the most controversial topics of the Islamic society during its fourteen centuries period. Since such issues cannot be examined regardless of the rule of the Prophet of Islam (pbuh) and his political tradition, therefore, many religious and political scholars have been forced to examine his rule in Medina in issues such as Imamate, Caliphate, government, etc., but they have not been able to reach a unified consensus regarding on its religious or political nature. It seems that in order to solve this problem, first of all, the question must be answered which political, intellectual or divine mission was the result of the government formed in Madīnat an-Nabī (lit. 'City of the Prophet' or 'The Prophet’s City') after hijra? Naturally, as a result of the discussion, any of the aforementioned forms can play an important role in the political functioning of religion. It is no longer possible to deny the political authority of religion and the Prophet (pbuh), as well as the necessity of continuing this authority for according to the third assumption. However, it is possible to dispute the political authority of the religion and the person of the Prophet (pbuh) in the first and second assumption. The author believes that the Prophet (pbuh) built the government according to God’s command (religious duty), and the intellectual and political necessity was merely a confirmation of the Qur'anic proof of the sharīʿah (God’s law) necessity of the Islamic government, and the author examines this issue in this article by an analytical method.


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